3051 Anderson St
Remodeled 3/1 vinyl home on large lot, Metal roof, breaker box, new flooring throughout, new hot water heater, new kitchen cabinets/countertops, new tub/shower surround, and bathroom vanity. Partial fenced yard with 18×34 storage building that could be converted to garage/apartment and 10×12 Shed. Conventional financing/Cash Call today!
View full listing detailsPrimary Details
- Price: $69,900
- Status: Pending
- Address: 3051 Anderson St
- City: Milan
- State: Tennessee
- Zip Code: 38358
- MLS: 207108
- Year Built: 1945
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 1
Extended Details
- access: Paved-Public Road
- addressSearchNumber: 3051
- age: 76
- agentHitCount: 72
- airUnits: 1
- appliances: Dishwasher
- approxHeatedSqft: 1252
- approxUnheatedSqft: 560
- area: MILAN
- associatedDocumentCount: 2
- bedroom2Size: 14x13
- bedroom3Size: 9x12
- cityLimits: Yes
- clientHitCount: 134
- construction: Vinyl Siding
- coolingSystem: Cent. A/C-Electric
- counterTypes: Formica (Plastic)
- dom: 3
- dualVariableRateYN: no
- externalFeatures: Storage Building
- floors: Carpet/Vinyl
- foundation: Crawl Space
- gatedCommunity: no
- group: C
- heatedSqftSource: Tax Record
- heatingSystem: Electric Forced Air Cent.
- inLawQuarters: no
- internalFeatures: Ceiling Fan(s), Washer/Dryer Connection, Electric Water Heater
- kitchenFeatures: Eat In Kitchen
- kitchenSize: 17x10
- lA1AgentAddressStreetName: 2900 Verdell Cove
- lA1AgentPhone1Description: Cell
- lA1AgentPhone2Description: Desk
- lA1AgentPhone4Description: Home
- lA1AgentPnone3Description: Fax
- lO1OfficePhone1Descriptin: Main
- la1agentCity: Milan
- la1agentLogonName: 775000000
- la1agentMiddleInitial: L
- la1agentPhone1Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone2Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone2Number: 731-686-9899
- la1agentPhone3Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone3Number: 731-686-9897
- la1agentPhone4Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone4Number: 731-686-9899
- la1agentState: TN
- la1agentStatus: MLS and BOARD
- la1agentType: REALTOR
- la1agentZip5: 38358
- laundryRoomSize: 13x7
- listAgentEmail: deniseclemmer@hotmail.com
- listagentCellPhone: 7314312900
- listingAgentEmail: deniseclemmer@hotmail.com
- listingAgentLastName: Clemmer
- listingAgentName: Denise Clemmer
- listingAgentPhone: 731-431-2900
- listingOfficeEmail: josharnold@larealtyllc.com
- listingOfficeName: L A Realty,LLC
- listingOfficePhone: 731-686-9899
- listingType: Exclusive Right
- livingRoomSize: 15x15
- lo1mainOfficeId: 99
- lo1officeAbbreviation: LA REALTY
- lo1officeAddress2: P O Box 522
- lo1officeCity: Milan
- lo1officeIdentifier: 99
- lo1officeState: TN
- lo1officeType: REAL ESTATE OFFICE
- lo1officeZip5: 38358
- lo1officephone1countryid: United States (+1)
- lotSize: 75 X 340
- mapNum: 140F
- masterBedroomLevel: Main
- masterBedroomSize: 16x11
- newConstruction: no
- numOfStories: 1
- onGolfCourse: no
- parcelNum: 002.00
- possession: Possession At Close
- proposedFinancing: Conventional
- rangeSOvens: Range/Oven-Electric
- resortYN: no
- roof: Metal Roof
- rooms: Separate Laundry Room, Sun Room
- saleRent: For Sale
- sentrilockBeingUsed: Yes
- sewer: Public
- specialSchoolTax: 278
- subtype: None
- sunRoomSize: 15x7
- systemid: 207108
- typeOfSale: Normal Sale
- water: Public
- waterHeaterUnits: 1
- waterView: no
- waterfront: no
- windowTypes: Clad (Vinyl)