Large office building located downtown, capable of housing a large firm or multiple firms, 10+ offices with 5 bathrooms, kitchen area, lots of storage available.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $499,000 |
Address: | 213 E Lafayette Street |
City: | Jackson |
State: | Tennessee |
Zip Code: | 38301 |
MLS: | 184325 |
Square Feet: | 14,832 |
addressSearchNumber: | 213 |
age: | 98 |
agentHitCount: | 138 |
airConditioning: | Electric |
area: | JACKSON E CTRL |
availableTransportation: | City Street |
buildingSprinklersYN: | yes |
cityLimits: | Yes |
clientHitCount: | 12 |
coListingAgentEmail: | josharnold@larealtyllc.com |
coListingAgentFirstName: | Joshua |
coListingAgentLastName: | Arnold |
coListingAgentPhone: | 731-499-0380 |
coListingOfficeEmail: | josharnold@larealtyllc.com |
coListingOfficeName: | L A Realty,LLC |
coListingOfficePhone: | 731-686-9899 |
consessionSellerOffer: | 3 |
construction: | Brick &, Frame |
dom: | 1039 |
dualVariableRateYN: | no |
entryDate: | 8/14/2018 |
floors: | Carpet |
heat: | Central Gas |
heatingFuel: | Electricity |
inclusions: | Fire Alarms, Security System, Bldg. Sprinkler System |
lA1AgentAddressStreetName: | 16 Mayo Cook Rd. |
lA1AgentPhone1Description: | Cell |
lA1AgentPhone2Description: | Desk |
lA1AgentPhone4Description: | Home |
lA1AgentPnone3Description: | Fax |
lA2AgentAddressStreetName: | 10068 Fields Dr |
lA2AgentPhone1Description: | Cell |
lA2AgentPhone2Description: | Desk |
lA2AgentPhone4Description: | Home |
lA2AgentPnone3Description: | Fax |
lO1OfficePhone1Descriptin: | Main |
lO2OfficePhone1Descriptin: | Main |
la1agentCity: | Milan |
la1agentLogonName: | 20053 |
la1agentPhone1Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la1agentState: | TN |
la1agentStatus: | MLS and BOARD |
la1agentType: | REALTOR |
la1agentZip5: | 38358 |
la2agentCity: | Milan |
la2agentMiddleInitial: | L |
la2agentPhone1Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la2agentPhone2Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la2agentPhone2Number: | 731-686-9899 |
la2agentPhone3Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la2agentPhone3Number: | 731-686-9897 |
la2agentState: | TN |
la2agentStatus: | MLS and BOARD |
la2agentType: | DESIGNATED REALTOR |
la2agentZip5: | 38358 |
leasePricePerMonth: | 3500 |
listAgentEmail: | jeffmorris@larealtyllc.com |
listagent2Email: | joshuaarnold@larealtyllc.com |
listagentCellPhone: | 7314149139 |
listingAgentEmail: | jeffmorris@larealtyllc.com |
listingAgentLastName: | Morris |
listingAgentName: | Jeff Morris |
listingAgentPhone: | 731-414-9139 |
listingOfficeEmail: | josharnold@larealtyllc.com |
listingOfficeName: | L A Realty,LLC |
listingOfficePhone: | 731-686-9899 |
listingType: | Exclusive Right |
lo1mainOfficeId: | 99 |
lo1officeAbbreviation: | LA REALTY |
lo1officeAddress2: | P O Box 522 |
lo1officeCity: | Milan |
lo1officeIdentifier: | 99 |
lo1officeState: | TN |
lo1officeType: | REAL ESTATE OFFICE |
lo1officeZip5: | 38358 |
lo1officephone1countryid: | United States (+1) |
lo2mainOfficeId: | 99 |
lo2officeAbbreviation: | LA REALTY |
lo2officeAddress2: | P O Box 522 |
lo2officeCity: | Milan |
lo2officeIdentifier: | 99 |
lo2officeState: | TN |
lo2officeType: | REAL ESTATE OFFICE |
lo2officeZip5: | 38358 |
lo2officephone1countryid: | United States (+1) |
loading: | Ground Level Door |
location: | Street Corner |
lotSize: | 48.5 X 105 COR |
mapNum: | 078p |
numOfStories: | 3 |
officeSqft: | 9888 |
parcelNum: | 010.00 |
possession: | At Closing |
presentTenant: | Owner Occupied |
presentUse: | Office |
reTaxes2: | $3,754 |
saleLease: | For Sale |
saleRent: | For Sale |
sentrilockBeingUsed: | No |
systemid: | 184325 |
toShow: | Call Listing Office, Call Listing Agent |
typeOfSale: | Normal Sale |
vowAddress: | yes |
vowAvm: | yes |
vowComment: | yes |
vowInclude: | yes |
vtURL: | https://mls.ricohtours.com/14d9e558-9a6e-4e52-825b-540b5417d709 |
warehouseSqft: | 4944 |
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