2075 S 2nd Street
Heart of Milan close to everything Older home, 2220 HSF has been updated and improved. Inviting front porch with swing. Several rooms, wide hallway down Center from front door. Lots of windows. Living and Dining space, hardwood floors, Kitchen with new Apron Sink, refinished cabinets, new countertops, 3 year old range, refrigerator, over the range microwave leads to sunroom /breakfast area, and laundry room. Three bedrooms main level, 4th and 5th bedrooms up possible. storage plus a bldg outside.
View full listing detailsPrimary Details
- Price: $144,500
- Status: Pending
- Address: 2075 S 2nd Street
- City: Milan
- State: Tennessee
- Zip Code: 38358
- MLS: 206510
- Year Built: 1934
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
Extended Details
- access: Paved-Public Road
- addressSearchNumber: 2075
- age: 87
- ageOfHVac: 6
- ageOfRoof: 12-13 yrs
- agentHitCount: 74
- airUnits: 1
- appliances: Disposal, Dishwasher, Dryer, Washer, Refrigerator, Dehumidifier, Smoke/Fire Alarm
- approxHeatedSqft: 2220
- approxUnheatedSqft: 544
- area: MILAN
- associatedDocumentCount: 2
- atticType: Floored, Partially Finished, Permanent Stairs
- bedroom2Level: M
- bedroom2Size: 13X13
- bedroom3Level: M
- bedroom3Size: 13X14
- bonusRoomLevel: U
- bonusRoomSize: Huge
- carStorage: 2
- ceilings: Height 10 Ft.
- cityLimits: Yes
- clientHitCount: 15
- construction: Frame
- coolingSystem: Cent. A/C-Electric
- counterTypes: Formica (Plastic)
- deckSPatiOPorches: Deck-Open
- dom: 12
- dualVariableRateYN: no
- externalFeatures: Gutters, Mail Box, Storage Building
- extraRoom1Level: M
- extraRoom1Size: 12X11
- fireplace: Masonry
- floors: Carpet/Tile/Hardwood, Vinyl
- formalDiningRmLevel: M
- formalDiningRmSize: 15X13
- foundation: Crawl Space, Partial Basement
- garageType: Attached Carport
- gatedCommunity: no
- group: H
- heatedSqftSource: Tax Record
- heatingSystem: Gas Forced Air Cent.
- inLawQuarters: no
- internalFeatures: Cable TV, Ceiling Fan(s), Separate Shower, Washer/Dryer Connection, Natural Gas Water Heater
- kitchenLevel: M
- kitchenSize: 13X11
- lA1AgentAddressStreetName: 2052 Brentwood
- lA1AgentPhone1Description: Cell
- lA1AgentPhone2Description: Desk
- lA1AgentPhone4Description: Home
- lA1AgentPnone3Description: Fax
- lO1OfficePhone1Descriptin: Main
- la1agentCity: Milan
- la1agentLogonName: 780000000
- la1agentMiddleInitial: H
- la1agentPhone1Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone2Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone2Number: 731-686-9899
- la1agentPhone3Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone3Number: 731-686-9897
- la1agentPhone4Countryid: United States (+1)
- la1agentPhone4Number: 731-686-0212
- la1agentState: TN
- la1agentStatus: MLS and BOARD
- la1agentType: REALTOR
- la1agentZip5: 38358
- laundryRoomLevel: M
- laundryRoomSize: 13X11
- listAgentEmail: franceswadley@gmail.com fwadley@bellsouth.net
- listagentCellPhone: 731 414 1588
- listingAgentEmail: fwadley@bellsouth.net
- listingAgentLastName: Wadley
- listingAgentName: Frances Wadley
- listingAgentPhone: 731-414-1588
- listingOfficeEmail: josharnold@larealtyllc.com
- listingOfficeName: L A Realty,LLC
- listingOfficePhone: 731-686-9899
- listingType: Exclusive Right
- livingRoomLevel: M
- livingRoomSize: 22X13
- lo1mainOfficeId: 99
- lo1officeAbbreviation: LA REALTY
- lo1officeAddress2: P O Box 522
- lo1officeCity: Milan
- lo1officeIdentifier: 99
- lo1officeState: TN
- lo1officeType: REAL ESTATE OFFICE
- lo1officeZip5: 38358
- lo1officephone1countryid: United States (+1)
- lotSize: 80X205IRR
- mapNum: 140C
- masterBath: Tub Shower Combo, Shower Separate, Single Vanity
- masterBedroomLevel: Main
- masterBedroomLevel2: M
- masterBedroomSize: 13X15
- newConstruction: no
- numOfStories: 1 1/2
- officeLevel: M
- officeSize: Hall
- onGolfCourse: no
- parcelNum: 140C H 018.00
- possession: Possession At Close
- rangeSOvens: Microwave Vent Hood, Range/Oven-Electric
- resortYN: no
- roof: Architectural
- rooms: Formal Living Room, Office/Study, Separate Laundry Room, Sun Room
- saleRent: For Sale
- sentrilockBeingUsed: Yes
- sewer: Public
- specialSchoolTax: 425
- subtype: None
- systemid: 206510
- trimType: Vinyl
- typeOfSale: Normal Sale
- warranty: Home Warranty
- water: Public
- waterHeaterUnits: 1
- waterView: no
- waterfront: no
- windowTreatments: All Window Treatments, Blinds-Vinyl
- windowTypes: Storm, Wood